All soft wares on Downloads page are free and you may download , use and copy them yourself.

You are most welcome to download and test our programs as well as come back to us with comments, suggestions and new ideas.

New products will be released as soon as possible.

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Dark Incorporation official web site
Source codes
DarkÔ Remote Controller   3.0.2 [Free Version]

DarkÔ Fast  Note 1.0.0 [Free Version]

DarkÔ Media Player 1.0.0 [Free Version]

DarkÔ File Transporter 1.0.10 [Free Version]

DarkÔ Mini Player 1.0.0 [Free Version]

DarkÔ Local Port Scanner 1.0.3 [Free Version]


DarkÔ Remote Controller   3.0.2 [Free Version]

A new product for controlling other computers in network. It made based on Client-Server programming. server file encrypted carefully. current version works on Microsoft Windows... .

DarkÔ Fast  Note 1.0.0 [Free Version]

A software for fast note with alarm and transparent reminder. Very simple management, just one click... .

DarkÔ Media Player 1.0.0 [Free Version]

A new player and supports many Video/Audio formats. Very powerful, User friendly and nice style... .

DarkÔ File Transporter 1.0.10 [Free Version]

A new product for sharing files between two computers. It uses internet and do not need any system configuration all settings will be set by software itself... .

just press a button and ... .

Dark Incorporation  ã 2004-2006
download . . .